The Problem with Redbuds

Eastern redbud is a common native understory tree and a popular choice for both residential landscapes and street trees. One of the harbingers of spring in Missouri, the clusters of small rose-purple flowers make a gorgeous display even before the heart-shaped leaves...

Neighborhood Foresters Training, June 11

On Saturday, 5 Benton Park West Neighborhood Foresters received gear and completed their training. Congratulations to our new Neighborhood Foresters John Gabbert, Dorothy Jones, Jane Kersch, Chelsea Merta, and Robert Vossmeyer! Our volunteers were taught by the... Group spreads TLC for budding trees

STL TreeLC hosted a tree demo, community canvass and happy hour on Cherokee Street to connect people who want to improve our urban tree canopy. Jim Merkel from joined us to write about the event for The SouthSider. GRAVOIS PARK – Some budding arborists...